Visiting Time
I'm a bit late posting this, because I've been tremendously busy, working 50-60 hour weeks. A bit worn out now, with still a couple of weeks remaining in the contract. No rest for the wicked, as they say. Having said that, my short story, WHEN MAMMA COMES TO VISIT is in Grim Corps Magazine 's debut issue. It's available in both print and e-formats. This was a lot of fun to write - a fairly traditional "return of a dead family member" story, but focusing on the strange relationship of a brother and sister long-grappling with what to about Mamma, who must be very wicked indeed. You can buy a copy here , or on Amazon. Shortly after it came out, I became an affiliate member of the Horror Writers Association , that fine organization of horror authors from around the world. Once the big work-push is over, I'll be taking off on a two-week spring break, where I plan to do not much other than read and eat.