TRAJECTORY Review Copies Are Coming

I just received word from my publisher that review copies of TRAJECTORY are going to be available in the next couple of days. About a hundred will be sent out. That thought is a bit scary, a bit like getting on a giant roller coaster after having downed a Big Gulp root beer. But, I'm in my seat and the bar is down. The wheels are clacking against the track as the coaster starts its climb.

Okay. You get the picture.

Partly to prepare myself for this electronic diaspora, I re-read the last 50 or so pages of the book today, which I haven't looked at for more than a year. So, fortunately, I still like what I wrote. I still think it asks some significant questions, and spins a good yarn. I think I have, as St. Paul wrote, "fought the good fight".

An interesting and embarrassing side-note, today, too: I complained to my publisher that I couldn't place the text appearing in the background of the cover art, that it didn't seem to be from the book. Well, it isn't "from the book" per se, but it was pointed out to me that it is Keats's poem The Eve of St. Agnes, which in fact does figure somewhat significantly in it (although, in my defense, I only quote a fragment of the poem, and also, I hate Keats's poetry almost entirely).


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